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Security Solutions for Your Home


You shouldn’t invest in a beautiful home and leave it unprotected. AV Solutions offers you the latest wireless technology to bring automated home security to any of your smart devices. We will provide you with an easy-to-use system that effectively monitors and reports suspicious activity. The benefits of trusting AVS with your home security system include:

Get Your Home Ready for Spring!

Get Your Home Ready for Spring!

With warmer weather right around the corner, it is time to get your outdoor spaces ready for you to use all spring and summer long. At AV Solutions, we offer various solution to support your outdoor entertainment needs. Our services include:

  • Television(s) Installation and Programming
  • Speaker Installation and Automation
  • Automated Lighting

Learn more about our outdoor entertainment services here.

AV Solutions Home Services: Home Automation


Home should be a sanctuary of comfort and convenience. AV Solutions specializes in bringing ease and comfort to your home with automation featuring the latest technology. We have a range of home services that are designed to fit your needs:

Home Automation Tools to Prepare You for Summertime


AV Solutions is equipped to automate your home with the right tools to prepare you for summertime. Home Automation solutions upgrade your home with the latest technology to give you and your family ease and convenience.

Considering Home Automation? Our Experts Can Help!


When thinki

Automatic Thermostat Controls: The Solution for the Summertime Heat


This summer is a hot one! Temperatures keep rising, and while being outdoors in the heat can be fun, having a cool home waiting for you is the perfect ending for a busy day.

At AV Solutions, we can help you get ahead of the heat thanks to automated heating and cooling technology that you can control from your smart device.

Enhance Your Home’s Security with Home Automation


Did you know? With the home automation solutions provided by our experts at AV Solutions, taking care of your home is easy. Learn more below:

Home Automation at Your Fingertips: Control4


Imagine if you could control the electronic functions of your home from the convenience of your smart device. With the help of our experts at AV Solutions, you can do just that thanks to innovative tools such as Control4.

Need Inspiration for Your Next Home Automation Project?


Have you been thinking about incorporating automation tools into your home? Our experts at AV Solutions can help!

Start 2023 Off Right with Home Security Upgrades

Start 2023 Off Right with Home Security Upgrades

Prioritizing the safety of your home will help bring you peace of mind throughout the new year and many more.

At AV Solutions, we support your home security needs with top-of-the-line tools that can be controlled by a smartphone, console, computer, or traditional security wall pad. Keep reading to learn more about what makes AV Solutions home security stand out:

In Need of a Smart Home Update? You’re In Luck!

In Need of a Smart Home Update? You’re In Luck!

Have you been considering making some updates to your home’s entertainment devices? You’re in luck! At AV Solutions, we offer a variety of services and the latest gadgets to get your home technology up-to-date. Keep reading to learn about our solutions and their benefits to your home and family.