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In Need of a Smart Home Update? You’re In Luck!

In Need of a Smart Home Update? You’re In Luck!

Have you been considering making some updates to your home’s entertainment devices? You’re in luck! At AV Solutions, we offer a variety of services and the latest gadgets to get your home technology up-to-date. Keep reading to learn about our solutions and their benefits to your home and family.

Benefits of Updating Your Home:

Smart Home Lighting

  1. Reduce electric utility expenses.
  2. Stop worrying about turning off your lights.
  3. Create room ambiance.
  4. Enhance security with Smart Home Lighting.

Home Distributed Video

  1. Only worry about only one controller to access all components of the TV-watching experience. 
  2. Reduce your equipment costs for the video source. 

Home Control & Automation

  1. Lock and unlock your home’s doors anywhere, at any time.
  2. Make keys obsolete with home door lock automation.
  3. Know who comes in and leaves your home.
  4. Provide one-time-use codes with home door lock automation.
  5. Add security to your home with the touch of a button.

Contact Us to speak with an expert to update your home>>

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