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Meet the Team: Jake Atchison


Jake Atchison is an Assistant Technician at AV Solutions. He joined the team in November 2021 and is responsible for assisting in the overall installation process by providing support to our main technicians.

A typical day on the job for Jake includes setting up installation equipment, removing old items from home, testing wires, and labeling items. When everything is said and done, Jake double and triple checks everything to ensure the installation is perfect.

When it comes to some of his favorite projects, Jake enjoys home theater system installations and recalls one of his favorite projects where the team installed a theater in a basement that had an open floor plan. “The subwoofer’s location made everything sound great.” Jake shared. “We provided the best quality products and design for a smaller space, and the client was extremely happy,” he continued.

Jake truly enjoys working with the AVS team because of the quality of work that is produced and how helpful and patient the team is with him. His favorite part of AV Solutions is the opportunity he has to learn the different systems, work with the latest technology, and provide the best service possible to our wonderful customers.

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